Dundee Reel
The Dundee Reel is the newsletter of RSCDS Dundee Branch. It was established in 1995, the 70th Anniversary of the Branch, by Mary Cant. While living in London, she found the London Branch newsletter, The Reel, to be a useful source of information about upcoming dances and suggested that a newsletter be published for Dundee Branch members.
Most of this information is now available on the Branch website or is sent to members by email. However, the Dundee Reel has evolved to provide a range of articles on dancing in general, and commentaries on events that have taken place. A big thank you to all the editors over the years, particularly George Watt, for continuing to develop the newsletter and acquiring articles of interest to Branch members.
No 58 June 2024; No 59 January 2025
A synopsis of all issues in the archive is available here.
No 1 Jan 1995
Excerpt from 1st meeting 9th Feb 1925; RSCDS AGM 1994; Edinburgh Military Tattoo
RSCDS Dance Scottish Dundee
Join us for lively and sociable Scottish country dancing classes
Scottish Charity SC 024986